Saturday, August 15, 2020


Scene. ABC Kalyana Mandapam. The hall is filled with the fragrance of jasmine as mamis in pattu sarees decked in impeccable jewellery hurry about with their assigned duties. A rather passive group of mamas saunters down the corridor leading to the faded red plastic chairs facing the Homa Kundam, presumably sharing some insights on the ponnu-aatthukkaaraa. Just then, an affable ambi enters the scene with veshti folded up and a questionable towel draped on his shoulder. Suddenly, the aforementioned mamis and mamas abandon their tasks on hand and look at ambi with deep admiration. “Kaapi vandhachu”, he announces with a twinkle in his eye. He sets down a large kuzhaay vaccha drum along with some tumblers on a plastic table and disappears.

Ah... filter kaapi...

Filter kaapi drinkers are a finicky peoples. One drinker’s kaapi is never good enough for another. And for good reason. Think about how many variables there are! First the decoction; how much kaapi podi to put, does the water have to be brought to a rolling boil or bubbling hot, how much water to pour over the podi etc. Then there’s the mixing; how much decoction, how much milk, how much sugar, temperature of the milk, to froth or not to froth, etc. Then there’s the kaapi podi itself; how much to roast the beans, how fine to powder them, how much chicory to add, etc.

To be honest, I have tried tweaking almost all of these variables, but my kaapi still doesn’t taste like that ABC Kalyana Mandapam ambi’s kaapi...


  1. Aroma in Filter Kaapi is pure maths. Pouring the steaming hot brew into a davara from a tumbler and vice versa at least a meter apart makes the best "Meter kaapi" with aroma, as tiny bubbles burst at the upper lip when you sip.
