Monday, September 28, 2020

Crack me up

"English is a very phunny language", asserted Rajinikanth in Veleikaran (1987) and Amitabh Bachchan in Namak Halal (1982).  I concur wholeheartedly.  Some commonly used phrases in English can sure be comically absurd when taken literally.  Here are ten bizarre usages that have cracked me up time and again!

1. Crack someone up - To cause someone to laugh so hard that they inexplicably begin fracturing themselves all over.

2. Piece of cake - An uncomplicated task that can give you a blood sugar boost for some reason.

3. Break a leg - Something you are supposed to say deliberately to someone going on stage for a performance that might very well cause them to actually break their leg.

4. Spill the beans - The act of deciding to reveal a secret but then forgetting all about it, opening a bag of dried beans instead, and strewing it all over the floor.

5. Cat is out of the bag - When the aforementioned beans are all over the floor and a cat exits a bag, presumably to eat them.

6. Bite me - Telling someone that you disagree with them by inviting them to come and start gnawing at you.

7. Put lipstick on a pig - The unfruitful effort of trying to prettify something inherently unattractive by finding a member of the porcine family and chasing it around the room, lipstick in hand.

8. Not a big fan - When you don't like something, you change the subject and claim that you are not a large apparatus with rotating blades.

9. Ballpark - A word used to quantify something you don't know the actual quantity of by claiming that it is the middle of a park of balls.

10. Put something in the parking lot - An expression you use when you are discussing something with someone and suddenly everyone runs out of ideas, so you oddly decide to start running out of the room in search of some parking lot to put the topic into.

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