Monday, December 21, 2020

What's for breakfast?

"Tindi ge enta?"

This question seems to have taken over a large portion of our mental space lately.  There was a time when Pavana and I would wake up 15 min before we had to leave for work, break our fasts with a bowl of cornflakes each or grab a couple Kashi trail mix granola bars, and head out.  Even that was a significant lifestyle boost from my college days when I would have to apportion the $5 per diem my on-campus deli job provided for the entire day's meals, which I would do by either skipping breakfast altogether or relying on free coffee in my lab or occasionally raiding the bagel table at someone else's thesis defense or dissertation.

Today we are fortunate enough to have so many breakfast options at our disposal; umpa, vermicelli, idli, regular dosa, masala dosa, rava dosa, godi dosa, onion dosa, pancakes, tellavu, dhokla, sabudana khichdi, poha, patrode, cucumber sandwiches, za'atar sandwiches, potato sandwiches, thokku toast, what have you.  Not only have we learned the skills to make these items and expanded our appetites to accommodate them, but we are also fortune enough to afford the necessary rations their recipes call for.  And yet, the aforementioned question has become a constant in our household.  While the verbiage in the question is indicative of a genuine underlying concern for the family's nourishment, do I sense a lurking irreverence toward our privileged circumstances in the mild exasperation with which it is asked?

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like that. It's just because now that parents have left, the onus is on you two 😁
